How Much Does Office Coffee Delivery Service Cost?
For a weekly cost of around $4.80 per employee coffee can be delivered directly to your office. Are you looking for an affordable coffee company that delivers its products and a full line of break-room supplies? Here’s some valuable information that may easily reduce your costs by as much as 25% and help you to understand what it will cost you for coffee service at the office.
The number one determining factor as to how much you will pay for coffee service will be according to how many employees you have and how much coffee they drink. Like any other business the more product you purchase the less you are going to pay, but that doesn’t mean you have to pay a lot just because you manage a small business. However, in most cases there are no costs to have coffee delivered to our office.
What Kind of Coffee Do You Need?
What Type of Coffee Will You Be Ordering: From gourmet coffee service, to tea, espresso, or even hot chocolate these items will play a role in how much your service will be. These prices will vary by vendor so it’s a good idea to have a general idea of which products you expect your employees will consume the most and then compare prices on that product. More in a moment of how to get the best price on any coffee products.
Do You Have a Coffee Company Now?
Do You Currently Have an Office Coffee Provider: Let’s face it, sometimes you’ll get a better price when the supplier knows that you already have a service. Businesses are looking to cut cost wherever they can and coffee & tea service is no different.
Single Or Double Pot
Single Pot or Single Cup: Depending on the company size and volume of coffee that will be consumed you may require a single pot coffee maker as opposed to a single cup and if so you “may” may a little more for the equipment. Again, this will depend on how much coffee you drink as the more your office needs the lower the prices will be.
On average you can expect to spend about $4.80 per employee per week. That’s approximately $250 per employee per year, so a company with 10 employees might expect to spend $2,500 annually for coffee service delivered to the office, which breaks down to $48 a week. Our advice is that you compare prices side by side from vendors in your area. Quotes are free – just let us know how many employees you have and the type of service you need and we’ll get you pricing from up to 5 vendors in your area. No worries, we always respond within one business day.
It’s rather a trendy as well as valuable part of information and facts. I am just glad you discussed this handy facts with us. Our coffee prices have gone up year after year and we are looking for a new provider. Good to know market prices.