Some Truly Amazing Facts About Coffee

Some Truly Amazing Facts About Coffee

Coffee has a rich history and some really interesting facts that make it one of your favorite topics of discussion during your leisure times and times that require you to take a few minutes of break from your stressful schedule and engage in something relaxing. Did you know that the Ethiopians discovered coffee in the 9th century? The effect of coffee berries was first observed in Ethiopian goats that appeared to be hyper-energetic after they consumed coffee berries. Later, a local monk created a drink with coffee berries and found that the drink kept him awake throughout the night.

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A Brief Overview Of Cold Brew Coffee

A Brief Overview Of Cold Brew Coffee

The brew that you get by using coffee grounds with cold water is termed as the cold press coffee or cold brew. When you use cold water instead of hot water in the brewing process, you may expect a slower process. This is mainly due to the fact that the grounds will need to be soaked in the cold water for a longer period of time in order to produce a brew that has the same intensity and flavor as the coffee that is brewed traditionally with hot water. Notably, cold brew is not iced coffee that is commonly prepared by pouring coffee over ice.

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Some Interesting Scientific Facts About Coffee

Some Interesting Scientific Facts About Coffee

Coffee lovers simply love the incredible taste of caffeine and celebrate coffee moments while building memories around them. When you ask them why they relish their Joe, you are most likely to hear, “Simply love it- just like that”. While different people may have different viewpoints about coffee, scientific research puts forward solid facts and figures supporting the positive effects of coffee on human health. And this particularly applies to the American context with 54 percent of Americans over 18 drinking coffee on a daily basis.

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Incredible Coffee And Dessert Pairings That Can Make Your Moments Magical And Unforgettable

Incredible Coffee And Dessert Pairings That Can Make Your Moments Magical And Unforgettable

For people who use coffee as a way to beat stress and stay focussed in their work life, coffee plays the role of a brain stimulant that is noted for its medicinal properties and overdose side effects. However, coffee enthusiasts who celebrate unique coffee moments with passion and creativity view coffee with an entirely different perspective. For them, coffee is a way of life. They are ready to explore new ways to make coffee moments special and unforgettable. If you are among them, we’re sure that you might have also tried experimenting with coffee in ways that might have impacted your moods and senses in different ways at different times.

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Trends That May Define The Coffee Industry This Year

Trends That May Define The Coffee Industry This Year

As the coffee industry continues to respond to the varying needs of coffee enthusiasts in creative ways, coffee is most likely to pass through evolutionary and even revolutionary stages to achieve a whole new makeover that will create new trends. Whether it is through the promotion of sustainable coffee production practice or it is through the introduction of new flavors or re-introduction of the tried-and-tested combinations, the coffee industry is all set to create striking trends that will shape coffee production and consumption patterns in 2016.

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Organic Coffee or Conventional Coffee? What Pleases You The Most?

Organic Coffee or Conventional Coffee? What Pleases You The Most?

Passionate coffee lovers are enthusiastic individuals who not only know how to enjoy a cup of Joe most creatively at different hours of the day, but are also knowledgeable about other aspects, including aromas, flavors and origins. If you are a coffee lover, you must be surely aware of what creates a perfect blend and how you can set up a perfect mood with the best coffee-and-food pairings.

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All About Coffee – ABC

All About Coffee – ABC’s From Arabica To Zimbabwe Enjoy this fun coffee infographic as we roll through the ABC’s of coffee starting from Arabica, to Bitterness, Capsules, and ending with Zimbabwe.

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The Coffee-Creativity Connection

The Coffee-Creativity Connection

Coffee creates magic. Not only does coffee help us kick-start our day, but it may also help us conceive incredible ideas that may make a difference in some way, in some areas. A lot can happen over a cup of coffee. Whether we are in the midst of a casual conversation in a social setting or we are engaged in a serious business talk, a cup of coffee can really impact our ability to sustain tough situations. Coffee is a fuel for our mind and this is something which professionals working in today’s fast-paced business environment are most aware of.

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